Welcome to our community!

Hello :wave: Welcome to the Constellation Hypercore forum :sparkles:

Hypercore is a forum for the community to have a place where anyone can join, create topic and discuss mainly about HIPs and technical difficulties of the Constellation ecosystem. This is the place where we all work together to make the Constellation Hypergraph an even better network. This is the place for your voice to be heard.

What to do on a forum?

  • Read and discuss about the Constellation Hypergraph
  • Create topic
  • Form a working group
  • Share prototype, code, graph and ask for feedback
  • Attend discussions and in-person meetings

First time on Hypercore forum?

If you’re the first time on the Hypercore forum, please check out our New Member Guide where are explained terms that we are using on this forum and will give you a lot of answers to questions regarding this forum and Hypercore and the Constellation Community in general.

Feel free to introduce yourself in the Introductions Thread

:sparkles: Feel free to share Hypercore posts on social media and tag us


This is something different what we are used to on other #web2 platform’s :hugs:

Maybe we should make the first interactions as a NFT :thinking:

In the section above titled: “First time on Hypercore forum?”, the text body suddenly shifts to “Ethereum Magicians”. It´s unclear to me if this is intentional or an oversight? Also the link [New Member Guide] leads to a 404 on Github.

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agree with your observations. i don’t understand why there is reference to ethereum magicians…also, i confirmed that the link you referenced is dead.

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seems there was a revision error - should be fixed now

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